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Supporting a Passion with a Beneficiary Designation

Supporting a Passion with a Beneficiary Designation

Bert Chancellor, executive director of Technical Services
Loma Linda University Health

By Rathyna Krumme

"Don't take the money and run."

These are words Bert Chancellor, executive director of Technical Services at Loma Linda University Health, heard frequently as a child when his father would explain the importance of giving back to the community their family lived and worked in.

Bert had humble beginnings in the Midwest where he was raised and spent most of his early career. Regardless of the type of work, he was passionate about giving back to his workplace and his local community. During his successful tenure in the banking industry, he realized he was only helping increase the net worth of the wealthy. This didn't sit well with Bert who was so deeply passionate about serving others.

During a season of prayer, Bert and his wife answered God's call and made the trek across the county to Loma Linda. After settling into his new position at Loma Linda University Health, he knew he was where he was supposed to be. Bert shared, "This is a mission, not just a job."

Continuing to live by his father's example, Bert decided to name the School of Religion as a beneficiary of his retirement account. When asked why he shared, "It's why we're here. Loma Linda University Health didn't start out to become a world-class healthcare organization, it was our faith and the church that brought us here. There's so much to be understood about God and that should always remain our core as an institution. It answers our 'why' - why do we teach and heal and why do we research? It's our faith. I want the School to grow and thrive. They help maintain the legacy of our church and that's very important to me and my family."

Bert lives in Loma Linda, works in Loma Linda, and gives back to Loma Linda. He believes Loma Linda University Health, as an institution, isn't just an employer, "I feel strongly that there should be a symbiotic relationship between the institution and the employees who make up the institution. The institution is us and we make up the institution."

Bert attributes much of his professional success to Loma Linda University Health, another reason why he believes in giving back. He has chosen to extend his giving through Grow Together, an employee payroll deduction program.

His advice to employees at Loma Linda University Health is to, "Start small. Build it up over time. Throttle down the giving - give a dollar or five dollars to start."

To learn more about how to support a cause you're passionate about through a beneficiary designation, please contact the Office of Planned Giving at 909-558-5375 or [email protected].

To learn more about how to support your favorite cause through an employee payroll deduction, please contact the office of Annual Giving at 909-558-5373 or [email protected].

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