Heritage Society
The Heritage Society honors those who have generously provided for the work of Loma Linda University Health through a planned gift commitment. We recognize Heritage Society in print materials and donor recognition devices.
Donors who make estate or deferred gifts of any size through the following instruments are recognized for their dedication to our mission:
- Beneficiary of will or living trust
- Beneficiary designation of an IRA, qualified retirement and pension plans or annuities
- Beneficiary of a life insurance policy
- Life income arrangement (charitable gift annuity and charitable remainder trust)
- Beneficiary of a charitable lead trust
- Remainder interest in a personal residence or farm
- Other planned gift arrangement
Contact Us
Please contact us if you have any questions about how to make a planned gift to Loma Linda University Health or to request any additional information that might be helpful to you and your attorney as you consider making a planned gift to us.
If you have included a bequest for Loma Linda University Health in your estate plan, please contact us to let us know. We would like to thank you and recognize you for your gift.